Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

Save the Date – Final Event

Final event on 26th November at 15 CET Don’t miss our final event that we will organise on 26th November, 2020, at 15.00 to 18.00 CET. Due to corona-related restrictions the meeting will be carried online  so you can join…

Job Bridge – Final Conference

The Job Bridge consortium is organising its final conference in cooperation with the REVEAL community. Their annual conference will take place on 10. The Job Bridge closing conference would have taken place in Brussels in early November. Now with all…

URBAN – First steps

Urban gardening is not only a way to grow your vegetables more sustainably, it is also a way to meet other people and acquire new skills. It offers a lot of benefits, but mostly it bonds communities. Urban gardens provide…

Launch of Climate Box project

We are pleased about the approval of the Climate Box project. The project aims to make a contribution to the currently important topic of climate change by developing and providing materials tailored to the specific needs of disadvantaged adults with…

Data Literacy – Survey

Datalit – A joint research project to spread Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business At present, the project consortium is investigating what a data literate person should know and be able to do, not only as…