Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

CUR8 – First face-to-face partner meeting

After almost a year of only virtual meetings, we finally met in presence. Almost all partners came to Göttingen on 20/21 September for the first face-to-face meeting. It was a great pleasure to finally see each other. Some of us…

First face-to-face meeting …

After all these months of lock-down and virtual meetings the partners have eventually met for the first time in Malaga-Vélez in Spain in early September. It was a great pleasure to finally see each other live for the first time…

URBAN – Training Course in October in Germany

Urban gardening can be an excellent tool for informal education. It offers the opportunity to explore a healthy lifestyle, learn about food origins and understand natural processes. However, urban gardening is not only a way to grow your own vegetables…

I-CARE – Piloting phase ahead

The I-CARE consortium is happy to announce that the I-CARE is ready to be piloted. The I-CARE Toolbox contains a range of learning modules and training materials designed to support the development of Intercultural Communication Competences in Professionals working in…

Every-day aspects of climate education

Based on the research phase the Climate Box partners have developed more than 60 micro-units describing learning activities that are tailored to the educational needs of disadvantaged adults and cover relevant every-day aspects of climate education within six main topics:…

CUR8 – LinkedIn Group

The CUR8 consortium invites you to become member of our LinkedIn Group dedicated to our CUR8 project aimed to fostering efficient, effective, inclusive and collaborative learning strategies for adult learners. Here you can also share your interests and experience on…

MEGA course successfully completed

The 3-day MEGA training course “An informal and playful way to challenge Europhobia in Youth Work” involved 22 participants from the MEGA partner countries. During the three days of the training, the participants got together online in order to discuss…

CUR8 – Factsheet

What is CUR8 about, what do we do and why? If you want to get answers to these questions at a glance, then the factsheet is just right for you! With our research activities we have found that educators and…