Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

eDialogue – Kick-off

eDialogue Logo

In February, we launched a new school project called eDialogue. The project aims to use the open dialogue approach in schools to promote social dialogue and inclusion. To do this, it aims to develop empowerment measures for teachers and educators,…

COOL – Virtual Kick-off

The first partner meeting was a meeting of old acquaintances and new partners. They are all united by the will to create innovative learning opportunities for disadvantaged adults that foster learners’ creativity and potential and give them space to their…

Urban Gardening – Course coming soon

The URBAN project has been busy in the last weeks translating the learning modules for trainers and young people into the respective partner languages. Soon, all those interested will also have the opportunity to study the modules in their own…

SLACC – Climate myths

In the first phase, the partners made a collection of myths and disinformation about climate change and contrasted them with the corresponding scientific facts. One of the most common lies is, of course, that climate change is not happening. But…

I-CARE – Discover our mobile app

The I-CARE App provides mobile access to a range of learning materials and helpful information designed to help people working in the sector to be more informed and to learn ‘wherever and whenever’. You can download the app using the…

What are YOUR top 3 factors that make an NGO effective?

Among 29 attributes that leaders identified in peer organizations that they regarded as particularly effective, leaders stressed: instantiation of sound principles or strategy a grass-roots approach, large organisational size and resources, being collaborative, singleness of focus, campaigning abilities, funding and…

CUR8 – Transnational Research

In the past month the partners carried out comprehensive research activities aimed to analyse the degree to which C-VET suppliers, trainers and educators are applying digital technologies in their teaching and learning strategies in the partner countries of Austria, Bulgaria,…

MEGA – Save the Date – 25.01.22

The MEGA team invites you to the final conference on 25 January. The theme of the conference is “EU-Myths and fake news and their impact on our societies”. You can expect presentations and discussions, workshops, hands-on and games. You can…