FLAG Project Kicks Off with a Successful First Transnational Meeting in Dabas

On February 19-20, 2024, the first transnational partner meeting of the FLAG project took place in Dabas, Hungary, hosted by Érdi SZC Kossuth Zsuzsanna Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium. Representatives from all partner institutions in Hungary, Germany, and Turkey came together for two days of fruitful discussions and collaboration.

The meeting focused on key project aspects, including an overview of the project finances and initial planning for the innovative language learning games that will be developed over the next two years. These discussions marked an important first step in creating the digital materials that will integrate game-based learning into English language education.

In addition to the formal sessions, participants had the chance to explore the rich historical and cultural heritage of Dabas and Budapest. This cultural programme allowed the team to strengthen international bonds while experiencing the local culture.

The meeting concluded with a strong sense of excitement and commitment to the FLAG project’s objectives. We look forward to the next phases of collaboration and development!