
Since 1998, we have been involved in various European programmes such as ADAPT, LIFE, LIFE+,
Socrates, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+, INTERREG etc.

Please find an overview of our previous projects here:

ABCD – Advanced Blended Learning Competencies and Didactics

ACT – Active Citizenship Training

ACT-NET – Active Citizenship Training

Background – Acting on the Background for a higher Climbing Up of Women Survivors of Violence

BADGES – for quality learning approaches and validation of non-formal learning in cultural/heritage contexts

BOIT – Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Team Leaders

Care4Carers – Interactive support programme designed to address informal carers’ specific needs

Climate Box – We can all contribute to climate protection

CLIMES – Climate friendly management in European Schools

COMBINE – Converting organic matters from European urban and natural areas into storable bio-energy

ComeIN – Competences in Enterprises on Integration

ComNet – Competences for Networking in European Education

Critical Balance – Critical Thinking Skills

CUR8 – Critical Curation for Learning

Datalit – A joint research project to spread Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business

EDUCCKATE – Education Cultural & Creative Knowledge Alliance for Tomorrows Entrepreneurs

EduCoRe – Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation

EELLSS – European Experiential Learning Lab on Soil Science

EILEEN – Enhancing Intercultural Learning in European Enterprises

eL3 – eLearning Project Cluster for Third System Organisations in Europe

E-MARIA – European Manual for Risk Assessment in the Field of Domestic Violence

EMPROVE! – Empowerment for improvement. Successful Intervention and Prevention against domestic violence

EVERMORE – Enable, Empower, Engage Third Country National Women to enhance professional opportunities

Get Ready 2 Work  Contributing to active employment of disadvantaged youngsters in the labour market

GEP VET – Grow Entrepreneurship Potential in VET

GINCO – Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers

GINCO Tools & Training

GREEEN – Green Environment Education European Network

Hattrick – FootbaLLL – Learning – Integration

HEALTH BOX – Integration of Health Issues in Adult Learning

Health Points – A game based approach for Health Promotion

Hippocrates – Knowledge management in the health sector in Europe

I-CARE – Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector

IEM in Hospitals – Integrated Environmental Management in Hospitals

INNO4IMPACT – Increasing Social Effectiveness Through Innovative Methods and Tools in Non-formal Education-based Youth Work

IMPACT – IT based Methodology for Promoting, Asssessing and validating Competence oriented learning and Training

INTEGRATION – Intercultural Dialogue for a Multicultural Society in Europe

IT’s social! – Introduction of Information Technologies in Social and Healthcare Institutions

JEM! – Joint Environmental Management

Job Bridge – Job Bridge for Volunteers

LBB – Languages Behind Bars

LISTEN – Learning from Intercultural Storytelling

M.E.D.I.A.ction – Promoting intercultural understanding and mobility of young adults in the EU-countries

MEGA – Make Europe Great Again


My e-Start – Digital inclusion of disadvantaged groups

No alternative Facts – Intentional misinformation in digital technologies

OASIS – Open Activities network Strategies and Integrated Systems

PACT – Promoting Awareness for Cooperation and Training in the Field of Domestic Violence

PARENT – PARtenariat Educatif inter-relationnel par les Nouvelles Technologies – Learning partnership for parent education by means of the new technologies

PROGRASS – Securing the Conservation of Semi-Natural Grassland with a Distributed Energy Production

PROMOTE – PROmoting and validating key competences in MObility and Traineeships in Europe

PROSPER – Post Pandemic Empowerment Programme

PROVIDE – PROmoting the Validation of Informal and Non-formal Learning and the Development of Key Competences for Professionals in Vocational Education

RE-DIRECT – REgional Development and Integration of unused biomass wastes as REsources for Circular products and economic Transformation

REST – Refugee Employment Support and Training

RIVER – Recognition of Intergenerational Volunteering Experiences and Results

SASSI – Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative

SASSI-Working On – Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative – Follw-up project

SASSI Later Life Careers – A second Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative follow-up

SEEP – Science Education European Platform

SUPER-M.A.N. – Supermarkets Meet Accessibility Needs

Support Me – Supporting practitioners to train migrants in EU

Story Regions – Storytelling in community building

THREE C – Creating Competences for a Circular Economy

Urban – Engaging Youth with Urban Gardening Activities

VALLEY – Validation System in Lifelong Learning Experiences of Youth Volunteering

VIC – Validating Integration Competences of Refugees

VILMA – Validation of Informal Learning in Mobility Actions

VIM – Vitality Interventions for Migrants

VIP – Validation of Informal Learning in Grundtvig Projects and Partnerships

VITA – Validation of service-oriented learning outcomes with an innovative IT-based Assessment and evidencing system