Breaking Climate Myths: Discover the First SLACC Newsletter!

πŸ“’ Exciting news for climate enthusiasts! The first SLACC newsletter is now available! πŸ“° Uncover the truth about climate myths, those misleading misconceptions circulating online, and learn how SLACC aims to put an end to misinformation about climate change. Stop by the SLACC website to download your copy now! ➑️

πŸš«πŸ’¬ Climate myths can be deceiving, and SLACC is committed to debunking them with real facts. Co-funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ program, SLACC is determined to combat the flow of misinformation that clouds public opinion about climate change. Media and social platforms often amplify fake news, but we can empower ourselves with knowledge!

πŸ“πŸ” Dive into the fact-checking list prepared by SLACC, which pairs the main fake news about climate change with reliable sources and real facts. Arm yourself with accurate information and help spread awareness about the climate crisis!

πŸŽ“ Are you a youth worker or a trainer? Here’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss! SLACC is organizing a training course in Palermo next February, focusing on non-formal education practices to address climate change. Stay tuned for more details and secure your spot in the fight against climate misinformation. 🌿

πŸŒπŸ’‘ Join the SLACC project and be part of the movement to combat climate myths and promote factual knowledge. Visit slacc-project.eu to access the first newsletter, empower yourself, and join hands in the fight for a sustainable future.